I need full-time or part-time care at home for a disability
Help from the Spanish authorities
Depending on your circumstances and your condition, as a UK national resident in Spain you may be able to access care services via your local-town-hall-based social service/social care coordinators.
If you believe you need full-time or part-time care for a disability for a long or indefinite period, you should apply as soon as possible via your local- town-hall-based social care workers (trabajadores sociales) for an assessment of your needs.
Except in very urgent circumstances, it may take some time for your need to be assessed and any support you are entitled to provided. It is therefore important to start this process as soon as possible.
Those entitled to be assessed by local-town-ball-based social workers are evaluated under national dependency legislation (Ley de Dependencia). If you qualify, an appointment will be made for a trained assessor to visit you and assess your needs and what support or services you may be entitled to.
To find out if you qualify to be seen by Spanish statutory social care services in this way or if you wish to arrange an appointment with social workers at your local town hall, please click here.
Help from British government benefits
Depending on your personal circumstances and if you have links to the British social security system, (for example through a pension or you have worked in the UK and paid national insurance contributions), you may be entitled to benefits to help towards care, even if you live full-time in Spain. Please click here for more information.
Help from voluntary organisations and other groups
Several different charities, voluntary organisations or other support groups can offer advice on securing long-term care, for example by helping contact Spanish social services, by assisting you in accessing British government benefits or suggesting ways to find private care support.
Please click on the link below for more information of the voluntary organisations and local town halls that may be able to help.
(Note: if you enter the town or village where you live on the search results, the list will filter only the organisations that cover your area).
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