I need support for Alzheimer’s or a dementia condition (including those linked to Parkinson’s)

I need support for Alzheimer’s or a dementia condition (including those linked to Parkinson’s)

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Public Healthcare

If you require assistance with or guidance on registering with Spanish public healthcare please click here.

Dementia Charities

There is a network of dementia support charitable organisations in Spain that can provide support. In some cases, support includes access to day centres, sometimes with English spoken. In other cases, groups provide assistance and companionship for patients and their carers. If you are also worried about seeing a doctor about a condition, they can also provide support ahead of a visit.

CLICK HERE on this link for a list of organisations that can provide guidance on Alzheimer’s and dementia-related conditions and local help*. Do not forget to enter in the name of the town or municipality where you live to filter the results for those covering your area. CLICK HERE

You should also make sure you are aware of or receiving any benefits you could be entitled to in Spain for people with long-term health conditions. See this link to our Helpful Topic on benefits. 

Extra information that might also help:

National Alzheimer’s association in Spain

You may find that the search results on the above link just give you the details of Ceafa – the national association for Alzheimer’s in Spain (www.ceafa.es). This does not mean that there is no local association specifically for Altzheimer’s or dementia conditions in your area: use the Ceafa national association website link (in Spanish only) to search for local Alzheimer’s organisations that are part of that association. Here is the link to the clickable map of Spain on that website:  https://www.ceafa.es/es/quienes-somos/asociaciones-alzheimer/consigue-ayuda

Generally, local associations on that link to Ceafa which are outside the areas with the very highest concentration of foreign residents can normally only help in Spanish, or local regional language, but their advice may be very useful in understanding local community resources or procedures if you are able to make the first contact with the help of a Spanish speaker.

Click here for possible local community organisations that might be able to help you by translating over the phone during an inital conversation. Do not forget to enter in the name of the town or municipality where you live to filter the results for those covering your area.


Parkinson’s is not always a condition with dementia symptoms, however for convenience we also list Parkinson’s organisations once you click on the local results search link. You will also find the national Parkinson’s association link listed in these results which has a network of local associations.  See a map you can search here:   https://www.esparkinson.es/asociaciones/  As with the advice for Ceafa for Altzheimer’s (see previous paragraphs), staff or volunteers may possibly not speak English but may be able to give a very useful local insight if you can secure the translation help of a Spanish speaker.

Other types of organisations who may be able to help or advise dementia or Parkinson’s sufferers to some extent

We realise that specialist Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia charities do not exist in all areas, especially for English speakers. If you, a family member or friend are affected by a dementia condition or Parkinson’s, or a similar condition, bear in mind that there are other organisations dealing with broader age-related or ill-health concerns. These include those charities run by and for the foreign-resident community in English, where they exist, and also local councils’ welfare departments.

We encourage you to explore this Support in Spain website directory you are viewing and search on your local town or village to see these other possible options for broader advice or support for when life is impacted by ill-heath. Remember, if you contact them, they may not be specialist in or will not be dedicated just to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia conditions. Many are run by volunteers who give up their free time to help.

Finally, your local doctors or health-centre staff in Spain, when asked, can be useful sources of community-support information relating to a patient’s medical condition.

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Last Update: 11/03/2024
1794Healthcare, Support (Miscellaneous)
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