1. Why our work makes a difference
  2. How you can help
  3. History of the project to 2025
  4. Coverage area, content policy and updating
  5. Partner suppliers

Donate to Support in Spain Support this community directory which is a registered charity

Why our work makes a difference up

Support in Spain is an independent, not-for-profit community website. It is aimed at British residents over 50 and other international residents in Spain who may need extra advice or help. We aim to fight social exclusion and vulnerability by improving the information available to people living in a less familiar country.

Support in Spain is a registered charity and relies on donations from the public to keep its trusted directory up-to-date and working.

The website directory provides details of official Spanish government and non-government and non-profit organisations in Spain as well as many others in the voluntary sector run by local residents. There are contact details for hundreds of organisations listed and the service has over 10,000 users a month.

It is designed to stop or reduce the risk of welfare problems or social exclusion by helping you quickly find a brief description of the services offered and contact details. This is to support you, or a friend or relative, on a wide range of common issues including healthcare, financial matters, emergency advice, social care in Spain and much more.

How you can help up

Support in Spain  is an independent, registered charitable association in Spain (national registration number 623918).

Donations – even a donation of 5 or 10 euros – are vital for us to keep the website running and up to date and meet our objective of reducing vulnerabilty. Donations can be made online easily and safely by credit card whether you are in the UK, Spain or any part of the world.

We are always pleased to hear about organisations that we could consider listing or receive updates. See our content policy below.

History of the project to 2025  up

The project was started in 2017 following research by the University of Birmingham on British nationals over 50 living in Spain.

This original research showed that there is an urgent need for better information within the community on support available to help foreign nationals living in Spain as they reach old age or face difficulties in life. Better information and guidance avoids some residents becoming vulnerable or falling into social exclusion and placing extra burden on the Spanish authorities or on their family back in their home countries.

Support in Spain is an independent project overseen by a charitable board and relies on donations to continue its work.

The website was originally created under the supervision of the University of Birmingham and the British Embassy in Madrid and the Support in Spain charity association continues close collaboration with these bodies to this day. The University of Valencia is also now a collaborator on student placement assistance.

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Coverage area, content policy and updating  up

Currently the information covers areas with the largest communities of British and other European residents. The Costa del Sol, inland Malaga province, Almería province, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Costa Blanca /Alicante and southern Valencia, coast of Catalonia, Costa Cálida/Murcia.

There is also general information on national organisations covering other areas.

The website is published in Spanish as well as English to help everybody who works with or who is friends with international residents to access relevant advice and contact details.

It also allows you to search by the area you live (local town hall area) so that users see information that is most relevant to them. Some organisations may not have an address in your local area but will cover your local area, and so we list those too.

We have listed organisations only where they have a public website or social media page and/or if they have an office, regular meetings or regularly update their information for the public.

Many organisations are voluntary and rely on donations of money or time to offer the services they can and may not be available to contact all the time.

No organisation is charged for a listing. We are a non-profit website. Private businesses are not currently listed.

Updating policy: The website is currently (2025) updated on a regular, rolling basis each year and as we become aware of any changes.  Users are also invited on each page by a form to submit information on any information that they see needs updating or link that has stopped working, and so collaborate with the project. See also our disclaimer policy.

You can send comments and suggestions, plus ideas for updates to [email protected]

Partner suppliers

Support in Spain is grateful for the time and services offered by the following towards keeping Support in Spain running and providing information to its users.

CaixaBank – Banking Services

Spence Clarke – Accountancy Services

De Cotta Law – Legal and Administrative Services

Spanish Approach – Communication, Management and Administative Services

Oniria Multimedia – Internet Services

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Donate to Support in Spain Support this community directory which is a registered charity


All information on the website is sourced from publicly available data and/or in collaboration with the organisations featured. Information has been regularly checked for accuracy in good faith, however we cannot be responsible for errors or changes and we advise users to reconfirm details with organisations before committing to use a service. Support in Spain (Asociación Social e Intercultural Support in Spain), its suppliers who are involved in this website or any organisation listed on or involved in this website cannot be responsible for any action that results from use of information on this site.

Many links on our site go to other organisations’ own websites and we cannot be responsible for their management or content nor your use of them. By using this site in any way you agree to this Disclaimer.