I need to talk to someone about some worries and concerns

I need to talk to someone about some worries and concerns

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This website is designed to help you find information on where to go for help on and support for a variety of common issues and topics. See our full list of topics by clicking here.

The searchable directory on this website is also designed to help you quickly find organisations in the area where you live that can provide support on any worries and concerns, (although some may not actually be located in your town or village, they can normally provide help over the phone or at the nearest branch).

Whether you are concerned about health, a money matter or another subject, or if you are enquiring on behalf of a friend or family member living in Spain, clicking here will take you to all organisations offering support in your area, whatever it may be. (Don’t forget to add in the name of the town or village where you live to filter only the closest ones).

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Last Update: 11/03/2024
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