Directory of Useful Organisations

AECC (Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer) – Menorca

A national charity offering support for cancer patients and their friends and family, closely associating with local health authorities and who also have a presence in hospitals. Services on Menorca include companionship and visiting help, practical, social and psychological support. Services are generally in Spanish and/or Catalan, however English speakers can normally be found to assist and if you have the assistance of a Spanish speaker to translate, more extensive support can be given. They collaborate closely with other English-speaking cancer groups.

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Coverage area and additional information

Covers the whole of Spain. The 24 hour number may generally be able to help in Spanish. The AECC runs apartments in Palma for those who need to travel from Ibiza and Menorca to Mallorca for any treatment.

Contact information
Phone Mahon: (0034) 971 353 244 / Cuidadela: (0034) 971484585 / (0034)900100036 (24hr. helpline) (in Spanish).
Email [email protected]
Full address Carrer Bisbe Sever 1ª, 07703, Maó-Mahón 
Languages Some English spoken (on request), Spanish & Catalan spoken
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group

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