Directory of Useful Organisations

Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK is a British registered charity for those affected by anxiety, stress and anxiety based depression. Its services are open to those people living outside the UK in Europe.

Anxiety UK offers support, advice and information on a range of anxiety, stress, phobia and anxiety-based depression conditions. It can offer to support those affected by these conditions, from those living with stress or mild anxiety, through to offering help and assistance to those with more severe, complex and longstanding issues.

There are a variety of ways to contact their advisers that are described on their website, including a phoneline, email service and live chat. Services are confidential. There is also free information available online and the opportunity to arrange therapy and real-time advice with trained practitioners by video link/webcam for a small fee.

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Coverage area and additional information

To access on-demand therapy, a user is required to become a Non-UK member for a small annual fee (see website link). Subsidised rates for the therapy are available for people on lower incomes and students away from home.

Contact information
Phone (0044) 3444 775 774
Email [email protected]
Languages English spoken
Timetable Mon-Fri 10:30 - 18:30 (Spanish time)
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group

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