Directory of Useful Organisations

Asociación Intercultural Babelia

The Babelia Asociación Intercultural operates at a provincial level in the province of Alicante giving support to people who have emigrated to Spain to help them integrate in Spanish society. While the website is in Spanish, help can be given in English. In addition to helping UK nationals with residency applications in the whole Valencia region during the Brexit process (with UK Govt. funding), at other times they can help with language lessons and translations, understanding paperwork and advice on Spanish bureaucracy and putting you in touch with legal support or aid for residency issues.

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Coverage area and additional information

In the first instance fill in the form on the website. The Association is based in Alicante city but can answer questions from all of Alicante province.

Contact information
Email [email protected]
Languages English spoken, Spanish spoken
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group

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