Directory of Useful Organisations

Barcelona Social Services / Servicios Sociales

The council run Social Service centres in Barcelona city are the first gateway for most publicly-funded social support in the city, even if the money or service comes from the regional government or central government. Ask to speak to a ‘Trabajador Social’ (Social Worker). Even if you are resident but not registered on the municipal padrón (census) but need help and are at risk, you should seek assistance.

(Please note that it is very important to be on the municipal census (padrón), even if things are going well, as this can speed up help in an emergency in the future).

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Coverage area and additional information

In Barcelona there are 40 Social Services centres, where you can receive guidance and support for a welfare or social need, as well as ask for different benefits and grants not related to work or pensions. You can find more information on the nearest Social Services centre to you by clicking on the website link to Barcelona Council below and scrolling down to the map.

If you do not live in Barcelona city, you should contact the local council where you live for details of their Social Services department.

Contact information
Phone (0034) 900922357
Full address See link for a map of the centres' locations
Languages Some English spoken (on request), Spanish & Catalan spoken
Timetable The phone line is open Monday to Friday 09:00 to 14:00 horas, and Monday to Thursday 16.00 to 19.00. Centre opening times may vary.
Type of organisation Public

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