Directory of Useful Organisations

Calor y Café Lanzarote

Calor y Café offers a hot meal daily and a chance to shower. The team ask for respect and consideration of others and people under the influence of alcohol cannot be attended. While there may not be a staff member who speaks fluent English, between those in attendance, there is normally always somebody there who can help with translations.

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Coverage area and additional information

The centre is in Arrecife. There is also a service to exchange syringes and provide basic first aid for cuts and wounds.

Contact information
Phone (0034) 699341784
Full address Calle Escotilla 27, Poligono Industrial Pto. De Naos, Arrecife, 35500, Lanzarote
Languages Some English spoken (on request), Spanish spoken
Timetable 19:00 every evening
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group

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