Directory of Useful Organisations

Caritas Sant Feliu – your parish church / su parroquia

Caritas in Catalunya is a large charity providing broad social support in several areas, usually in close collaboration with the local town hall Social Services departments. Most support is local, while other support may draw on projects run over a wider area. In addition, pastoral support work is carried out through parishes.

While it is the main charity in Spain belonging to the Roman Catholic church, receiving support is not based on faith and is open to anyone, irrespective of your views on religion and the work uses trained volunteers and professionals.

In order to contact Cáritas or ask about the possibility of support you can: Contact the local Roman Catholic parish church nearest where you live; contact one of the Cáritas centres available in many larger towns and villages which are run by the local 10 dioceses/areas in Catalunya, details of which are on the weblink provided; or contact your local town hall Social Services department.

Cáritas can help anyone in an emergency, the door is always open, however for longer term use of its services in Catalunya, you will normally be asked to attend an assessment by your local town hall Social services department.

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Coverage area and additional information

Click on Quim Som (who we are) on the website and scroll down for local centres, generally in the area west of Barcelona and along the Barcelona western coast.

Contact information
Phone (0034) 936525770
Email [email protected]
Full address Main Office: Armenteres 35, 08980, Sant Feliu de Llobregat
Languages Some English spoken (on request), Spanish & Catalan spoken
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group

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