Directory of Useful Organisations

CARITAS Tenerife – your parish / su parroquia

Cáritas offer support and counselling through your local parish priests and volunteer workers. This is irrespective of your faith or views in religion. The door is always open.

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Coverage area and additional information

Caritas is the Roman Catholic church’s principal charity organisation in Spain. It provides a large amount of aid and support nationally and internationally and is coordinated on a parish level, i.e. you should initially seek support from your local parish church and programmes available will vary by parish. Its philosophy at a parish level focuses on supporting a person in need and counselling over a period of time. Some homeless shelters and residences are run at different points on Tenerife that cover different geographic areas, often in collaboration with local authorites. If in need of shelter, you should first contact your local council or your local Roman Catholic parish priest.

Contact information
Full address All RC parish churches throughout the area
Languages Some English spoken (on request), Spanish spoken
Type of organisation Faith-based/Ecumenical

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