Directory of Useful Organisations

Cruz Roja / Creu Roja ( Red Cross ) National Website

The Spanish Red Cross (Cruz Roja Española) provides a wide range of welfare and emergency support from food aid, mobility care, teleassistance (personal alarms), home visits and counselling or advice on benefits or well-being. Extent of projects varies by area and local districts are supported by provincial-wide projects. The Red Cross usually works closely with local councils and their Social Services departments.

TELEASSISTANCE (Telecare or personal alarms): The Red Cross has a well-used nationwide personal alarm service that can attend calls in English and Spanish and for a small monthly fee. The number to find out more about this service is (0034) 900 100 333 or contact your local Red Cross office.

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Coverage area and additional information

The Red Cross (Cruz Roja) is a widespread organisation in Spain with significant numbers of members and frequent local activity for residents. To find your nearest base or branch (normally know as an ‘Asamblea Local’), use the website link to see the contact page for the Red Cross (Cruz Roja – or Creu Roja in Catalan speaking areas) and search the map. In main areas with foreign residents such as tourist places or big cities, some local staff or volunteers can often help in English, but generally you should use a Spanish-speaking friend or translator.

Contact information
Phone (0034) 900221122 national helpline - can give you local branch details. (0034) 900906592 for telecare/personal alarm service info.
Languages Spanish official languages spoken
Timetable Office opening times vary but generally they are in the morning, Monday to Friday, except for out-of-hours events, courses or support.
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group

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