Directory of Useful Organisations

Coverage area and additional information

HELP Mar Menor can also refer you to useful contacts in the area where it is unable to provide services itself and has useful factsheet information, including a list of translators. It cannot provide financial aid or legal advice.

Contact information
Phone Office (0034) 968570059 Emergency (0034) 654632077
Email [email protected]
Full address Calle Penélope, 11 Los Alcázares (Murcia) 30710. There is also an outlet fundraising shop on Oasis Bulevar, Los Alcazares.
Languages English spoken, Spanish spoken
Timetable Office Hours are 10:00 - 13:30 Monday to Friday (Outlet shop hours are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10:00 to 13:00, (subject to change).
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group

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