Directory of Useful Organisations

JoyRon Foundation

The focus of The JoyRon Foundation is the identifying and helping of children with life threatening illness; children exposed to violence or deprivation; children living in poverty; and children orphaned, fostered or in care. Its work covers the Balearic Islands. The organisation acts primarily as a fundraiser, working on specific projects, and as a guide towards getting help for children and their families on the Balearics.

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Contact information
Phone (0034) 608531211 for English / (0034) 630072362 Castellano.
Email [email protected]
Languages English spoken, Spanish spoken
Timetable The telephone line is normally open 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday, although this may vary. Emails can be sent at any time.
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group
Coverage area and additional information

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