Directory of Useful Organisations


Kalida provides emotional, social and practical support to cancer patients and their families, complementing – and helping them to explain and cope with – their medical treatment. It is based next to the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona but can arrange one to one sessions in person at its Barcelona centre for anyone in Catalunya or possibly a virtual consultation. The charity can normally provide one-to-one support in English. Any group sessions, which are part of their work, are normally in Spanish or Catalan. There are also links to providers of cosmetic equipment and prosthetics.

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The charity is part of UK’s Maggie’s Centres international network, and follows its cancer support system.

Contact information
Phone (0034) 930 502 323
Email [email protected]
Full address Recinte Històric Hospital de Sant Pau Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167 08025 Barcelona
Languages English spoken (on request), Spanish & Catalan spoken
Type of organisation Charity / Support Group

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