Oficinas de Extranjería – National List
The network of ‘Oficinas de Extranjería’ of the Spanish Interior Ministry is responsible for managing permissions and documentation for foreign nationals living in Spain to legally stay as residents. These are located in the main city of the province or island where they live.
An appointment at the Oficina de Extranjería needs to be prebooked and one provincial office may have a slightly different system to another.
See appointment link here (in Spanish). See more explanation of the process here.
Submitting documentation online to the Oficinas de Extranjería is possible instead, but only if you or your legally appointed representative already has an e-signature linked to their NIF/NIE number.
If/when residency permission is granted, a personal residency identity document (a TIE) is then issued in two separate appointments at the National Police which the applicant must attend in person. (If you have the green-coloured documentation already, you don’t need a TIE unless you want to swap it).
The link below (in Spanish) is to a complete list of the provincial and island addresses of the Oficinas de Extranjería for guidance; you can click on the region you are searching in and then scroll down the list. (However via the pre-booked appointment link above, the address you need to go to should appear automatically, without the need for searching for it here. Confirm the exact address on your appointment confirmation).
Make sure you also register on your local town hall’s census roll (‘go on the local ‘padrón’) as proof of living in the area for future social care needs and to allow you to sign on at your local health centre/doctors surgery.
Web | www.mptfp.gob.es/portal/delegaciones_gobierno/extranjeria/extranjeria_ddgg.htm |
Languages | Spanish spoken |
Type of organisation | Public |
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