Directory of Useful Organisations

Public Health Centre (Centro de Salud) – Son Ferriol

Click on the weblink below to open up the page of the Balearics public health service website with the address details of this health centre (DIRECCION), timetable etc. See the red link “Ver el mapa de localizacion” on that webpage for a location map. CS in the name of the centres refers to Centro de Salud (area health centre). Under each main Centro de Salud details, there are usually also smaller, satellite centres in outlying areas that may be closer to you. These are known as a UBS (Unidades básicas de salud or Basic Health Units) where listed. (Open the weblink below for your area health centre and scroll down to see the UBSs where applicable).

SKU: iben94 Category:
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Coverage area and additional information

Your local public health centre, run by Ib-Salut, part of the Balearic Islands regional government, is your gateway to Spanish public healthcare and support if related to a short-term or long-term medical condition or disability. It is also a route to applying for social care where the need is linked to a medical condition being treated by doctors at the health centre. In most cases there is somebody available on request who can speak English, but be patient in case they are not available immediately.

Contact information
Languages Some English spoken (on request), Spanish & Catalan spoken
Type of organisation Public

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