Directory of Useful Organisations

Seguridad Social ( INSS ) – Reus, Tarragona

The Instituto Nacional de Seguridad Social (INSS), (Spanish Social Security office), records and controls entitlement to state-funded health and much welfare care. Sometimes you might hear or see these same offices referred to as CAISS (Centros de Atención e Información del Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social – customer service centres for the INSS). Do not confuse the INSS offices with the TGSS (Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social), which is the agency responsible for collecting social security payments, although this may sometimes occupy part of the same building.

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Coverage area and additional information

UK nationals will need to visit their nearest Spanish Social Security office to receive documentation that proves their right to receive Spanish public healthcare, if they are entitled to it.

Please see our ‘Helpful Topic’ on ‘Registering for Healthcare’ on this website for more details. For example, people in receipt of a UK pension and living in Spain need to present their S1 form from the UK Social Security here to verify their entitlement to Spanish healthcare.

Other UK nationals who have worked in Spain and paid social security contributions and so may be due a Spanish pension or other rights (or who wish to combine years worked in Spain with years worked in the UK for combined state pension) should contact the INSS. In addition, the INSS processes state welfare benefits such as the Minimum Living Income (Ingreso Mínimo Vital) for people who are registered in Spain.

Contact information
Phone (0034) 977 312619
Full address Plaça Gandhi, 5, 43202, Reus, Tarragona
Languages Spanish & Catalan spoken
Timetable 09:00 - 14:00 (Mon-Fri)
Type of organisation Public

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